Flower Medicine and Loosing Control

Flower Medicine and Loosing Control

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I’ve been doing some work with Flower Medicine for the past month. I was introduced to something called Bach Flower Remedies.

It’s been around for awhile now but I had never heard of it.

You take a test and it tells you the flowers you need support from at the time to overcome certain challenges.

One it showed that I needed help with was letting go of control.

Man is this true!

I got the remedies mixed in a dropper and went on my way. I started using them every day, twice a day. I had asked when I would know if I was finished with it. I was told that you would essentially just forget about the drops and stop using them. Ok?

So I went about my days using them morning and night without really thinking about what they were supposed to be doing.

Then the lessons starting coming forward…Letting go of control.

I didn’t put it together really that this was what the flowers were supposed to be helping me release.

It just literally hit me one day that I needed to release that need to be in control at all times, especially with my business! I held on for dear life to that one. But it was time. Release.

Then the Universe thought, let’s see how committed she is to this lesson. My mom ended up getting very sick and was put in the hospital. For WEEKS they ran test after test and still no idea what was wrong. Meanwhile she was in INTENSE pain at all times. Nothing was helping. All of her tests were coming back normal. It was crazy. But again, not in control.

We finally have an answer for Mom now (thank goodness) and she is getting better. But still a lot of, wait and see, guess and check, we aren’t sure on a plan yet type if scenarios involved there.


Through it all, I have stayed calm, rolled with the punches and really just RELEASED CONTROL!!

I noticed last night that I hadn’t really used my drops in a few days and hadn’t even occurred to me. Just like they said would happen!


So, this has been a month of release for me. I did a ceremony this morning with some essential oils to help let go of the rest of anything that might have been hanging on.

I used Release, Sara and Valor to release the need for control, any traumas that may have made me feel like I needed to be in control in the first place and the Valor was to be brave while releasing the control.

This has been quite the journey through this lesson and release. But honestly, it’s been a smooth one! I’ve felt supported and safe and it was a gradual shift so it wasn’t jarring to my system.

If you want more information on Bach Flower Remedies, just message me and I will get you hooked up with the woman who shared them with me.

If you want more information on essential oils, message me and I can hook you up with those as well.

It still amazes me how nature can support us through ANYTHING!

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