Quick Self-Doubt Check In

Quick Self-Doubt Check In


Happy Mabon and Full Moon in Pisces!

I've been doing a LOT of work with old limiting beliefs and the self-doubt that they bring forward.

This work takes a lot of checking in with yourself on deep levels and noticing when you are feeling tension in your body.

I made a new Reel on Instagram today with a quick self-doubt check in that you can do whenever you are feeling resistance.

Self-Doubt and fear can hold us back from living out our Soul Purpose and keep us playing small.

That's not a fun way to exist. Let's start busting through all that is holding us back and put our magick out into the world.

Go HERE to find the new Reel. Try the check in and see what you find.

Today and tomorrow are great times to release things you don't want anymore. Embrace that full moon energy.

Also, I have something REALLY AWESOME coming in a week! Keep checking in so you don't miss it.

Punch Fear in the Face

Punch Fear in the Face

The Void, What is it and are you affected by it?

The Void, What is it and are you affected by it?