Who Am I? The Reluctant Medium
Who am I anyway? And why am I here? These are big questions. Let's start at the beginning. A very good place to start, right?
So, I was born a Psychic/Medium. I've had Spirit Friends and Angels, etc showing up in my bedroom since I can remember.
I was not always so open and receptive as I am now. In fact, for a time I closed off my gifts all together!
I didn't want any part of them.
When I was small I just didn't have a support system in place that understood what was going on with me. This was not anyone's fault, they just didn't know about it and how to help. I was told things like, "It's just your imagination." or "Go back to bed, it was just a dream." Which was very confusing when there was a man standing in the corner of my room looking at me.
As I got older, I shut down my gifts more and more until in my teens it was gone completely.
Or so I thought!
What ended up happening was that I developed a debilitating anxiety and depression that at times was so hard to live with. When Spirit comes around and tries to communicate with us, our bodies can feel the energy (even if we are shut down and trying to ignore it). So that translates into anxiety if we don't know what it is.
This stems from back in the day, our bodies are made to be attuned to the energies around us in order for us to stay alive. We had to be ready to run if a lion or bear came around the corner and wanted us for dinner!
So, I spent my teen years and even my twenties being anxious a lot for "no reason".
But there WAS a reason!
Spirit was trying to communicate with me and I was trying to shut that shit down! But as we all know, when Spirit wants to talk to us, they don't give up so easily! Am I right?!
Here’s my Spiritual “Coming Out” story!
Finally, in my 30's I met a friend who let me know that my gifts were not something to be afraid of. That she thought it was amazing and I needed to open up and use them for something good.
This led me to have a conversation with my brother where I found out he too was a VERY gifted Psychic/Medium!
I was so PISSED!
Why had we never talked about this before?! We could have supported each other growing up and been there to at least not feel like we were alone. Oh the amount of anxiety we could have saved each other from! But alas, neither of us thought to bring it up.
Anyway, I went on a mission! I started reading every blog I could find on the subject and sneaking into the local metaphysical shops (I didn't want people to see me or talk to me but I wanted to explore).
Eventually I got brave and signed up for some classes and started learning in person and making friends in the community.
I learned I WASN'T crazy after-all! And NOT ALONE!
I finally was encouraged to take the plunge and start offering my services for hire. I worked as a healer and reader for a few months, getting some experience. But something never felt right there. I kept getting the message that my business would be online and would go global.
This scared me....a LOT!
I still was trying to hide and not be seen. Global?! No friggin way man!
I resisted this a LONG time but as I have mentioned, when Spirit has a job for us to do, they do NOT give up!
So here we are....online, global and VERY visable!
I have a passion for teaching people how to come into their gifts and use them safely. I still give readings, I have private coaching clients and of course I TEACH!
So, that's me.
If you have any questions or want to know more, please let me know!