Who is Archangel Haniel?

Who is Archangel Haniel?

Archangel Haniel.jpg

Archangel Haniel is a VERY regal Angel.  She reminds me of the white fairy lady from the Lord of the Rings movies. 


She shows up in a pale, silvery blue color.  Similar to the color of the moon at times.


Her name means “The Grace of God”

Haniel is mysterious and feminine.  A Goddess like Angel.  She has a gentle, nurturing and kind energy.  She is a soft, sweet feminine presence that’s also very regal.  Like a Magical Princess. 


She helps us to radiate inner qualities outwardly, like the Full Moon does.  It is a very good idea to call on her during the Full Moon time to help release anything that is needed to release. 


Haniel is a compassionate healer of heartbreak and other emotional pain.  If you are doing healing work with emotional things, get her on board.  She will gladly hold space and gently help you deal with things, heal them, and then release them so you can move forward.


She can help you develop your intuition and Clairvoyance.  This Archangel helps us to connect with the wisdom we carry inside us and helps with clear communication with the Divine.  I HIGHLY recommend people connect with Haniel when they are exploring their Spiritual Abilities and opening up more to them.


Another thing she helps with is any aspect of sacred feminine energy.  She can particularly help with women’s issues.  And pain during women cycles.  If you are wanting support during your Moon Time, call Haniel in.  Ask her to help with adjusting the things that need adjusted.  She is happy to help!


Call on Haniel and see if you can sense her regal energy.  She is more than ready to lend a hand whenever we are ready.

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