Who is Archangel Sandalphon?

Who is Archangel Sandalphon?

Archangel Sandalphon.jpg

Sandalphon is 1 of 2 AA who’s name does not end in the el suffix which means “of God”. 

His name means Brother or Brother Together. 

He was the Biblical prophet Elijah who ascended after his human life. 

He comes to us in a Turquoise color.

He is VERY tall!

He stands on Earth with his head in Heaven tall.  Think taller than Shaq! lol. He is very gracious, and powerfully gentle.

His job is to deliver prayers from Earth to Heaven.

That is why he is in both places at once. He can also help you develop your connection with your Spirituality and the Divine (God, Spirit, the Universe, whatever you want to call that energy. It’s all the same)

Sandalphon also helps us to know that we are watched over by the Divine at all times. He helps us to remember that we are never alone. (important job!)

He is the patron of musicians. So if you are getting your jam on, call this guy in for inspiration. When you are learning a new instrument or song, writing music, performing music or anything related, this is your back up singer.

One last thing he can do is to help to determine the gender of a coming child. So if you are wanting to try to figure it out, call this dude in to give you a hint.

I don’t call on this guy as much as I probably should but give it a try and let me know how your experience is!

Be Authentically You!

Be Authentically You!

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