How Being Sick Can Be A Good Thing Spiritually

How Being Sick Can Be A Good Thing Spiritually

How Being Sick Can Be A Good Thing Spiritually.jpg

Getting sick…..

….it blows right?

But honestly, it can be a good thing Spiritually.

It gives us a moment to pause and take it easy. We don’t do that very often in this rush rush rush life. We all need a moment to sit and just be.

I know, being sick isn’t the ideal “off” time but hey, when we need to be forced to stop and rest, the Universe will take things into it’s own hands!


You are sick. Time to rest.

I bring all this up because dude, I have had the most WICKED cold I have had in a long time! It has seriously knocked me on my ass. I’ve done nothing but lay around going through tissues like they are cheap. LOTS of cold medicine and water and cough drops.

It’s a mess.

BUT, it has given me some time to really think about a lot of the upgrades and downloads I was getting over the last month. It has forced me to stop and really process it all. As well as rest my physical body (my meat sack as I lovingly refer to it as)

So, we are looking for the good in all things right? There is mine. I’m sicker than hell, but I’ve had a lot of time to rest and integrate all of the new things.

If you find yourself sick this winter, hang in there. Put your quiet time to work while you have it. Get that journal out and do some work.

Then take a warm bath full of R.C. (my FAV essential oil blend from Young Living for respiratory support) This thing is seriously a miracle worker. I load up my diffuser with R.C. and some Peppermint usually and just sit and sniff it! lol.

Don’t judge, it makes me feel better.

You need some of this miracle in your life. Click HERE for more information on how to get it locked and loaded into your own diffuser. You can also send me a message and I can answer any questions or help you get started.

Take care of yourselves!

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