All tagged spiritual education

Be Authentically You!

I’m talking about how to be Spiritual AF: And Not a Vegan. That’s right, you can be as spiritual as you want to be, and still eat meat. And swear, a LOT!

The point is, you can be totally you, and not worry about what other people think, say, or tell you that you should be doing or saying.

Who is Archangel Gabriel?

I remember her most for helping us with communication.

Think of her trumpet as a reminder of her getting the word out to the crowds. Whenever I need/want a message to get out into the world and be heard, I ask her to help spread it around like peanut butter.

I’ve heard her referred to as the “Messenger Angel”. She helps bring us crystal clear messages from the Divine. She helps get our message out crystal clear to those who need it.