What is a Medium?

What is a Medium?

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Someone asked me last week what a Medium really was. So, let’s talk about that.

A Medium is someone who can use their Spiritual Gifts to talk to Spirit. It can be Angels, Fairies, Loved Ones, whoever. Point is, people on Spirit side.

How Do Mediums Communicate?

Basically, we have a conversation just like we would a person sitting across from us at the dinner table.

We use Clairvoyance to see, Clairaudience to hear, Clairsentience to feel and Claircognizance to know. We bring forth messages from Spirit side for the highest and greatest good for all.

Why Don’t All Mediums Get the Same Information?

Every Medium is different. The way we use our gifts is different. The way we get our messages is different. Variety is the spice of life right?

So naturally the messages we get will be different. One thing to remember is that the underlying message is usually the same. Most generally a group of Mediums will come up with different variations of the same theme.

How Can I Tell If I Am a Medium?

Well, do you see ghosts?! ;) That would be the quickest way to tell of course. But honestly, if you hear things others don’t, see things others don’t, are extremely sensitive to things that don’t bother others, or just know things and have no idea where it came from, you probably are a Medium.

It takes practice and training to get to the point where you can just converse with Spirit like you would your bestie.

And another thing to remember is that EVERYONE has access to these gifts and can learn how to do what I do.

I’m always here to help if you need advice or coaching.

The main thing to remember is to stay open and stay patient with the process.

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