Mediums...It's Time to Stop Hiding!

Mediums...It's Time to Stop Hiding!

Mediums...It's Time to Stop Hiding!.jpg

So I had an experience the other day that literally blew my mind WIDE open! Every morning I try to set the intention to have Spirit put me in the place where I am needed the most. Where I can be the most help to someone. "How can I serve today?"

And boy howdy did they!

I left my house going to drive a bit for Uber (a side gig I LOVE doing). My first call came in as soon as I walked out of the house. The person I was to pick up lived literally right around the corner. I was like, nice!

So I headed over to pick them up. They got in the car and settled and we headed on our way. I was asked if I had a hot spot on my phone they could use. Sure, I have one that my kids use when we travel so I was happy to share. (Serving right!?)

Something you should know (details are important) 

My hot spot is called Angel Network and my password is AngelsRule (and some numbers...not giving out my FULL details you nosies!)

Anyway, they asked me if Angel was my name. I said, no, that would be cool, but my name is Melissa. They were like, "What's with the Angel thing?" 

And I hesitated telling the truth of the matter. I'm a Psychic/Medium who talks to Angels doesn't sound weird right?

But I went for it. "I'm actually a Psychic/Medium and I work a lot with the Angels". (Me cringing on the inside waiting for impact)

But their reaction was pure excitement and awe.

The conversation shifted to how they had recently lost someone very important to them and had been thinking of going to a Medium.

(Enter her Loved One on Spirit Side)

It then shifted into a reading/letting them talk about how much they missed this person.

When we were ready to part ways it ended with a hug and some tears and them saying to me, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have literally changed my life today. You have freed me and I can now live a different life.”

Me = Mind exploding over and over and over again for the next 2-3 hours

It made me realize that being a Medium is SO IMPORTANT! What we do is free souls. We unburden souls on both sides of the curtain. We are the bridge that leads to healing. And that is SO needed right now!

If you are blessed with this gift, it’s time! I’m calling you out. It’s time to stop hiding and start getting out there and sharing your gifts to start helping those who are waiting for you


Start serving the ones that YOU are meant to serve.

I’m here to help teach/guide you if you need it but let’s go everyone. Let’s go change the world! Marching proudly out in public for all to see so the people that need us can find us.

I did a LIVE about this on my FB Page if you feel led to hear more.

Let's GO!

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