Is my Fire Sign Showing?

Is my Fire Sign Showing?


I'm sorry, is my fire sign showing?

I'm a Sagittarius. I love fire!

Not in a crazy person, burning down the neighborhood for fun kind of way. But, I have always seen it as magickal and powerful. The transformations it makes are unbelievable.

Yes it is not always welcome (see the wildfires) but even those transformations are a necessary part of nature. It's just too bad that people are in the way now and have to suffer. Prayers for all affected!

One way I have harnessed that power is using candle magick. It's my fav way to mix my two fav things.

Along the way, I have had a ton of people ask me how they can get started doing their own candle magick. Well, I made a class!

“Candle Magick Masterclass” is the way to get all the information you need to walk through your first candle spell.

If you feel a "fuck yes" to working with candles and this class, go get it!

Go HERE to find all the details and get your class started.

Flame on dude!

Take the Business out of my Spiritual Business

Take the Business out of my Spiritual Business

Sometimes it's a raging flame, sometimes it's slow, steady and calm

Sometimes it's a raging flame, sometimes it's slow, steady and calm