Sometimes it's a raging flame, sometimes it's slow, steady and calm

Sometimes it's a raging flame, sometimes it's slow, steady and calm

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Sometimes it's a raging flame, sometimes it's slow, steady and calm.

I love watching candle spells play out. It's always different. Depending on how the energy is moving I get to watch a very different scene play out in front of me.


This candle stayed like this almost to the very end. Just tall, straight and very still. It hardly moved the entire time!

Do you use candle magick in your practice? If not, do you want to learn how?

My Candle Magick class is back!

It's been a year since it has been out of the vault, but I dusted her off and she is ready to serve whoever needs her!

If you have wanted to get started with candle magick, this is your jam. This self study class will walk you through your first spell step by step with tons of tips and tricks along the way. There are also 3 printable charts for you to have near your work space for quick reference.

If you are feeling a Hells Yes! to this class, then go for it! You are being nudged in the direction to your next level self.

Go HERE for all of the details on the class and to get your spot.

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